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Applicant Dashboard Overview

The Applicant dashboard allows human resources personnel to effectively monitor and manage the hiring process. Human resources personnel can use the Applicant dashboard to review online application data, view background results, documents, and forms for applicants, monitor the hiring progress, and perform actions to continue the hiring process.

You can create an initial form collection that only collects minimal information from applicants during the online application process and then create a second form collection that you associate with scheduled actions to collect any remaining information that is required for background checks or to complete the final hiring action during the hiring process. Contact your system administrator for assistance with configuring minimal online application form collections.

Applications on the Applicant dashboard can be set to expire after a certain number of days. If an application expires, it only displays on the dashboard if you select the Expired value from the Status field when you perform a search and apply filters using the Filter Applicants section, and you cannot perform additional hiring actions for the applicant. Contact your system administrator for help with defining the number of days for an application to expire to comply with your organization’s human resources standards.

Human resources personnel can use the Applicant dashboard to do the following:

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